So how was the UW class and what is next?

The class was not the greatest.  Not rigorous and about 7 to 10 years outdated.  That isn’t to say I didn’t learn anything.  I certainly expanded my on line sources of information.  (I think this focus on on-line information was due to the instructor being wheel chair dependent.)  I also “discovered” the importance of having access to an academic library and the sources that are available because of that relationship.  If you do not have access to an academic library, I recommend to check out the one closest to you and see if you can have access to it (some allow you access if you join the alumni group.)

I finished the paper yesterday.  I thought I was finished and then I took out the placeholder that forced the document to read the pages side by side and realized that my page number just went bonkers.  After fixing all the items that were page number dependent, I then reread the comments made by the instructor on an early draft and found some small items I had not incorporated.  I also tweaked some footnotes.  Then I reread the assignment and found that I needed to include a pedigree chart and a family group sheet, so I did.  Lesson Learned:  read the instructions at the beginning and at the end to make sure all the details are wrapped up!

I will eventually post the document here but not quite yet.

Meanwhile, I have been working on Irish citizenship for my friend/client.  That has been interesting.  I have sent for two documents (Irish birth record and MT marriage certificate.)  She is in charge of the others.  Also, have started writing up her findings on her maternal line.  Have them about done.  Want to wrap that up and get on to Susan’s and Mary’s projects.

Next? A friend from class and I are thinking about taking the BU course.  I also am considering taking the ProGen Study course but that is longer.  I would rather have intense and shorter.  Your thoughts and comments about each of these courses would be helpful.

Happy Hunting!


What I have done since the last post: finished the paper for the class (I will turn it in 1 week early because I will miss the last class.) and now my study area is a mess.  A clean up is in order.