Jamboree: Day 2!

jamboree 2015I had anther great day at Jamboree filled with surprises and successes. But, in the game of “pick the best concurrent session” roulette, I did not do so well.  But, the parts of the day that were terrific included the following:

Surprise #1: Diane Young and I connected, Diane was the coordinator for the Jefferson County Genealogical Society Spring Seminar for which I was the speaker for the day.  It was great to see her again.  She is living in the Los Angeles area assisting her son and daughter-in-law with the care of their 7 week-old baby.

Surprise #2: I had a chance to talk to Randy Seaver and Thomas MacEntee and discuss blogging.  It was great fun to hear how two of the most prolific bloggers do it.

Surprise #3:  Had lunch with the ProGen folks.  As always it is good to see old friends, and meet new ones.  ProGen graduates and those who are still matriculating are some of the most impressive genealogists I know.

Surprise #4: Rev. David MacDonald, CG gave two talks, one on finding historical church records in the US even if the church has been blended with another and another on reading church records.  As usual they were stellar presentations.  He is deeply knowledgeable on church history of all religions.

Surprise #5:  I skipped one session and sat down with Mike Booth at the RootsMagic booth.  RootsMagic is a genealogical software program and Mike provided technical assistance in getting RootsMagic running on my MAC laptop.  It was a great relief to see it operational.  Thanks, Mike.  It took an hour and during that time he made just one $20 sale.  I really appreciate your tenacity.  Impressive.

Surprise #6: (Well, not really a surprise.)  I had a fun dinner with Lisa Oberg from Seattle.  We discussed a variety of topics including which speakers impressed us, Special Collections at the UW, and the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies conference in 2016.  We continue to try to find a way to work together on a genealogical topic.  Always fun.

Surmise #7:  My roommate and I have chats that are like the ones you had at camp when you were 8 years old–funny, informative and delightful.  Barbara Brown is terrific and I am lucky to have her for a roomie.

Tomorrow I got home, so I would be surprised if I will write again about the conference. Jamboree is one of the most fun that I attend.  It is “California Casual” and the volunteers all are so helpful and eager to assist.   Thank you, SCGS Volunteers for putting together another great conference.

Happy Hunting:


What I have done since the last posting:  See above.  Also attended two other presentations.

3 comments on “Jamboree: Day 2!

  1. It was great to finally meet you yesterday too at the ProGen lunch.

  2. JoEllen Schaffer says:

    Jill, I sat next to you at the David McDonald session and mentioned that your name sure sounded familiar. Well, of course, I subscribe to your blog! I hope my memory improves before I run into you again, and I hope you had a great time in LA.


    • Jill Morelli says:

      How funny! I am caught in “out of context” situations all the time. I did have a good time in LA; thanks for asking. I always appreciate when readers self-identify. Have a great day recovering from a great conference. I am off to work.

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